Wheeew, how time flew! It seems like it was just yesterday when I came back from my 9 days fun filled Philippine vacation with my daughter, Sachan and friends, Liza and Amie with son Ryo.
Sunset in Narita↓
It was always raining in the Philippines but we were blessed that every time we need to go out for a stroll... it always turned out to be a fine weather!
I failed to visit my mother's tomb on our first day because the ground was wet due to a non stop rain. So... we end up in SM Bicutan for manicure while Amie went to Parlor for hair-do! Then we went shopping and dining with our families.
The next day... as usual, I visited nanay to cemetery.
Tadaima!!! I'm back!↓

On the afternoon... as Philippine NAKAMA representatives, me, Amie and Liza gathered together to meet the group of JFC scholars. With my family, we picked up Shiota in Lawtoon while Liza's family gathered the rest of JFC from Pasig.
↓Rizal Park

↓Roxas Boulevard

↓Manila City Hall

The meeting with JFC scholars was held at Pancake Restaurant in Mega Mall. It's nice to meet them again together with their families after a year meeting. They're growing very past! The boys were taller than me now! We're happy to know that Miyuki and Mariko who graduated from High School this year are now studying nursing in college. Too bad that we missed to meet our new JFC scholar, Karen. We only had communication by phone.

After the gathering, we decided to go back already... because we were all tired and we need to rest for our next day schedule... the baptismal of Kricel.
Here's sleeping Kricel after her non-stop crying. Sachan and I did the lullabying.

Chaaaraaaan... it's baptismal day and the reception was held at home.
↓A group photo with family, relatives and friends at home.

↓The baptismal rite at the church

The ninongs and ninangs↓

The catering
The session road↓

Next... we visited Amie's property. Amie hardly yelled his father upon meeting. There are some questionable houses built in her property land and Amie was very upset and disappointed about it! Actually, his father is the care taker of her property.
Amie... anything can happen on your 6 years absences, hehehe!
We strolled to refresh in Baguio Botanical Garden. Amie again had a fight with the Igorot olds. They were asking too much fee after we had picture taking with them.
Welcome back to the Philippines 'mie!
We then proceed to Manor Camp John Hay were we checked in. I like everything about the place... our rooms... staff in general and the view of the nature around... except to the hotel's hot water that turned out to be cold in the mid of our shower time! Wheeeh!
Samukatta yo!

The following day... of course we did not miss Mines View... one of the popular tourist spots in the city.

Our good shepherds statue↓
Station of the cross field at Good Shepherd's Convent
We're in The Mansion↓

Strolling in Burnham Park↓

A cup of coffee at the hotel↓

At Barrio Fiesta, Emil posing with Ninoy while thinking what to eat for dinner!?↓
↓What's up pal?!
↓Gonna give you my cellphone number...
↓Here's a kiss... mhwaaah!
↓On the balcony with Kricel, Emily... and yah... ma'am Arroyo!
Follow the leader↓
↓Yummy seafoods
Morning breakfast at Camp John Hay
My masterpiece... "Sachan first trip in Baguio"...nanchatteee!!!
St Lourdes grotto↓
Our three wishes!

Baguio City is so crowded already but we enjoyed chilling and strolling in there.
After our heart warming 3 days and 2 nights stay in Baguio... we went back home to our families. We dropped Amie and family in La Union while after our dinner at Max in Tarlac with Liza and her group... we went back safe and sound in our homes.
Teddy and Liza at Max's Restaurant in Tarlac
Unfortunately... after Sachan suffered from colds in Baguio City... I was the next one who got sick. Maybe it's also cold and whooo... I suffered from stomach ache too. Nausog ba raw ako... naman no! Over eating lang po siguro! 
Anyway... Sachan and I had no time to shop for our souvenirs so even I am almost crawling... we shopped at Kultura in Mall of Asia.
Sachan enjoyed the lobby of Imax cinema. It's coke's concept!

Sun rise taken from my room window in Paranaque!

If Kricel baptismal and Baguio trip was memorable... the meeting with KDC (Kathleen, Debbie and Camille) was touching. We're so glad that we had the chance to bond with them. We shop, play, chat and eat a lot!

At SM Sucat

Ryo and Kathleen's dance show down... Emil was beating too!

Sachan's fan and new Pinay friend Aika. She's only grade 6 huh!

Dinner in Zamboanga Restaurant

Manila airport

Well... well... well... bye bye time here! All I can say was that it was pretty an unforgetable trip for the group. But as of now... I am not inspired to go back there soon... (^-^;
Morning breakfast at Nikko Narita Hotel with Papie!