It's a cold day with partly raining! I was in Anzai Elementary School this morning thru Masui san invitation. I actually assisted her lecture regarding the relationship of Japan to other countries.
Lecture with Grade 5 kids!
I was asked to talk about the relation of Philippines and Japan. At first I could hardly think of the relations between the two countries except for business or trade like banana, pineapple, mango, tuna, shrimps, and even nata de coco for instance. Then the appliences and cars of Japan in exchange... not to mention the bridges and other building infrustractures. I also talked about the tourism and aids that Japan provide to our country like on time of disasters.
I refrain talking about the World War 11 and Filipino talents who works in Japan. I just taught that it's quite sensitive for kids to talk about.
As I am talking... I almost forgot the important part of the relation between the two countries... personally, I am part of it desho? I'm married to a Japanese, have a daughter and living here in Japan... that's it! I also talked about our voluntary group... the Phil NAKAMA. They were impressed about our activities and role as a bridge between Japan and Philippines.
↓Kids posted to the map those things they found in their homes that are made from other countries. ”Made in China” top the list... not surprising! 
Thanks to Masui san's invitation... I gained another good experience not only regarding the theme but on her teaching idea.
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