Happy New Year everyone ... i do hope that year 2014 will be another blessed year for all of us.
May we all have a greater year and wonderful time ahead ... more courage, faith and hope for every challenges we might face.
I wish for more interesting adventures, more good works, good health, peace and love xx

Pre-family reunion held at Villa Escudero, Philippines
I am so grateful that we were finally able to held our first family reunion this year!
We missed Sonny, who is in Saudi Arabia and Derek, who was out of town so they were not able to join us .... and of course we also missed our dear mother in this memorable and awesome family gathering but their spirits were with us xx
New Year celebration with family in the Philippines
This short video is courtesy of my dear daughter Sachan.
Just for fun on the spot dance number ... no practice but everyone did a great job... love u kids ;-)