Welcome to my personal photo blog! This is the journey of my experiences, interest and discoveries in life... welcome aboard!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
"V" stands for Vanessa!
"Come Back To Me" by Vanessa
She can sing... dance and she's pretty!
Anyway... here's some of my happy escapades with friends. Philippine NAKAMA group had SHIN NEN KAI (new year's gathering) last Feb 17th. This has nothing to do with Chinese New Year! It's just that our group held our first gathering for this year on February.
The gathering was held at Tambayan restaurant and it's "eat all you can" system! Of course... it's not for free but the price was reasonable... Y1,500 only! We enjoyed the foods... as much as we enjoyed Lilia's sexy dance! Lucky... her daughter wasn't around! LOL!
Friday, February 16, 2007
Be Blessed, Healthy and Happy!
-Arthur Ashe-
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
High School Musical
Disney Channel original movie
I watched this tv musical film of Disney Channel -- High School Musical-- for many times... the more I watch it, the more I love this film. This musical film is totally awesome! The plot was simple but it's very neat and clean. The choice of words and fashions were all modest. What amaze me most was the music... the songs were great and the dance choreography were brilliant! Kudos to their director Kenny Ortega. I've read he was the choreographer of this film... he really did a great job!
...and here's the film trivia especially for all my kababayan... the leading girl-- Vanessa Anne Hudgens has a Filipino blood! Yap... her mother is a Filipino, Chinese, Spanish descent and her father is an Irish and native American descent.
By the way... I also like her debut album... entitled "V" . I wonder if the CD is already out in the market here in Japan... ?! Wanna cheer for her... sana hindi s'ya mayabang!
I have also read about the sequel of this film -- the High School Musical 2 which is set for release this summer in America. Aside from that... on year 2008... High School Musical will be in big screen! The movie is entitled... Haunted High School Musical.
I hope the coming films will thrill and rock us again!!! o(^-^)o
Click for the site of the film: HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL
Valentine's Day in Japan is unique!
Mas lalong sweet pa rin kapag me natatanggap rin tayong roses or any Valentine gifts from our loved ones di ba?!
Well, the Valentine's day here in Japan is quite unique! They celebrate it on two dates. The Japanese girls are encouraged to express their love to the guys they like by giving chocolate on February 14th while guys return the favor to girls who gave them chocolate by giving cookies or other gifts on March 14th called White Day.
Actually, this gimmick started in 1958 as a marketing tool by chocolate companies in Japan and suddenly, the tradition was born!
Well... as for me, now-a-days, I don't think I give effort to this celebration... except I still buy something for my bosses, colleagues and students. That's what they called giri-choco or an obligatory chocolates! Take note: honmei or real choco are only given to loved ones!

But hey wait! Who says that Valentine's day in Japan is only devoted for men?! Well... I received some chocolates from friends... is that giri-choco (an obligatory chocolates)?
Have a wonderful Valentine's Day with your loved ones!
Kids and Dogs

People will forget what you did,
But people will never forget how you made them feel"
-Maya Angelou-
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Sarah's belated birthday gathering
Happy birthday Sarah!
Yummy, yummy for our tummies!↓Pinoy FOOD TO GO! ↓
↓Kids... who are you tryin to mimic... a Ninja? Abu Sayaf? dochi?!
Yuta and Nao: Well, mama Mel... we are posing for Emil!
"hApI 3rd bIrThDaY ... EmiL ! MiSs U !" --- yuta and nao
Friday, February 09, 2007
Give Shizuoka ODEN a try!
Currently, an event-- named Shizuoka ODEN Fiesta is being held in Aoba Symbol Road wherein over 50 oden stalls are promoting their traditional, original and unique ODEN.
Shizuoka oden... ikaga desuka?!
Have you heard about banana or tomato oden? Quite unique desho?!
Oden stall will also be operating in some areas in Gofukucho and Shichikencho on the 10th and 12th.
Oden stalls also sells various drinks... and take note... Oden goes good with beer!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
A wonderful Valentine's greeting!
This is sweet and touching!↓
2 months old Kricel... the charming mouse!↓Kricel... the girl version of Emil! ...hey angel, what's up with your hair?! ↓
***Mama Mel: What's funny Kricel?
***Kricel: Kc po si Pooh... lumalaki na rin!↓
Emil with his living doll sister! ↓
Emil's Christmas 2006↓Hi Emil... advance happy 3rd birthday on Feb 11! Expect for my call! luv... ninang mama mel
Happy Valentine's Day to all of you! Mhwaah!
Monday, February 05, 2007
The Japanese art of flower arranging
Ginataang Kalabasa

1. Heat 2 tbsps.oil and saute minced garlic, minced onions and shelled shrimps.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Out with the evil and in with fortune!
Major temples and shrines across Japan commonly performed Setsubun ritual. Huge crowds gather with wild chants of "oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi" while doing the MAME-MAKI.
Every year, my family also do the ritual of Setsubun, the MAME MAKI... I remember when my daughter was a kid, her late grand pa used to wear this goblin mask and chase Sachan around while we throw beans to grand pa... Sachan was in mix feelings of crying becoz the goblin mask scared her and at the same time laughing becoz it's fun being chased!
Grand pa was not around anymore... but we visited his tomb this afternoon... did some offering and likewise... prayed for guidance of good fortune and blessings! Then tonight... we did the MAME-MAKI at home! It was funny to see Lucky who was very delighted eating all the beans scattered around the house! "Luckyはうち"! 'hope we all have good luck the whole year through!
p.s.: It's my brother Teddy's birthday today... Happy beer day brod! Nakikinita kong me hawak na naman kayong beer ng tropa mo tonight! Then later on... mukha ka ng goblins becoz of too much drink. Dapat ikaw ang binabato ng beans to drive away the bad spirit in you.... heheheh! Anyway... I visited to church today and I included you to my prayers. Maybe, our Lord above is already complaining coz... I am always asking too much! heheheh! Well... anyway... have a great day and God bless you! Mhwaaaaaaah!