Welcome to my personal photo blog! This is the journey of my experiences, interest and discoveries in life... welcome aboard!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Enjoying our "Hanami Picnic 2008"
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Along the coast of Mochimune
Part of Mochimune Beach
Papie with puppy (^-^)v... behind a strange camping car?! a truck?! a house?!
Next time... we hope to take them to Mochimune Fisharina.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Bowling night!
It was Ted's first experience to bowl but he did fine... fast learner huh! Tatay did good too! Uncle Jo had the higher scores followed by our two teens... Ryo and Yuki! Well... it was a good practice for me and Yuta! Nyaaahahaha!
We had so much fun there! Before we went home... we all had a cup of coffee on nearby Saizeria restaurant.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Lunch treat!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Trip in Kyoto and Osaka!
Kyoto Station...Japan's second-largest train station building, after Nagoya Station.
Main Gate of Kiyomizu Temple
Kiyomizu Temple is a Unesco World Heritage listed site in the Eastern Kyoto region of Higashiyama and is one of the best known sights of the city.
The temple dates back to 798, but the present buildings were constructed in 1633.
Otowa-no-taki, the waterfall where visitors drink for health, longevity, and success in studies
Taking a break... hinay-hinay lang po!
Street lined by beautiful old buildings in Gion district
My dinner!
Our room in Hotel SanoyaRest time!
Our morning breakfast
Kinkakuji Golden Pavilion is listed on UNESCO's World Heritage List in 1994. Kinkaku-ji (Temple of the Golden Pavilion) is the popular name of Rokuon-ji (Deer Park Temple), a temple dedicated to the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy, Kannon. The temple was built in 1393 while the present building dates from 1955.
Japanese Tea House
Kyoto Studio Park... also known as TOEI Uzumasa Eiga Mura
Hide and seek?!
"This sword is mine!!!"
Traditional stage theater
Show time!
Late lunch time! Filming an Edo Period action-drama
Statue of Kyoto Studio Park
Our hotel in Osaka... Keihan Hotel in Universal City
Kare dinner at Oriental restaurant in Universal City
Fisherman's wharp
My restaurant!
Going back to Shizuoka City
More pix to come!