I was able to show to tatay the last day traditional parade of Shizuoka Festival last Sunday afternoon. The event was blessed with a fine weather! As a practise, the parade started in Sumpu Castle area.
The parade started in Sumpu Castle gate

↓Here's the group of Shintori Elementary brass band . During Sachan's elementary days... she was also a member of this band. She's also marching like them during Shizuoka Festival parade.
Parade along Aoba Symbol Road


We were also invited to visit the JOB gathering in Tambayan Restaurant, so after watching the parade, we proceeded to Tambayan. Unfortunately, I needed to escape the prayer to prepare our dinner at home bcoz Sachan will be leaving for Niigata City that night! I left tatay with Sarah and company at the prayer. Of course uncle Jo and Dang with Pastor Abner were also around.
Too bad, we also missed the Yozakura Rambo Parade! What a busy day!
↓Sachan waithing for her shinkansen bound for Tokyo! 
Peace to all!
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