I consider today an unusual day! It's not only because it's Mom's Day... but there are some wonderful and awful things happened today. o(^-^)o
One good thing happened was that when Liza and I finally had the opportunity to visit kuya Ernie in St Joseph Home- for- the- aged in Yahata. We brought him a picture frame with our photos together taken during those visits we made in Kizuna Homes. We're surprised to see Oshi Mariko san and the rest of Link group visiting Kuya Ernie too. They came ahead of us so after some greetings and chattings... they left us behind!
Liza and I were happy to see kuya Ernie except for the fact that he is getting weaker this time. His jaws seems stuck... he can't normally move it. He can't almost talk. His feet are swollen. He is sooo skinny and the hard part is that he can't almost eat. He can't even swallow his food according to his care taker. We were trying to cheer him up... but he seems too weak to response. Waaah... Liza and I are trully worried about him.
We were also lucky to meet the Director of St. Josept Home for the Aged, Inagawa sensei. She was very kind to entertain and tour us around the facility. We talked about some matters regarding Kuya Ernie.
One good thing happened was that when Liza and I finally had the opportunity to visit kuya Ernie in St Joseph Home- for- the- aged in Yahata. We brought him a picture frame with our photos together taken during those visits we made in Kizuna Homes. We're surprised to see Oshi Mariko san and the rest of Link group visiting Kuya Ernie too. They came ahead of us so after some greetings and chattings... they left us behind!
Liza and I were happy to see kuya Ernie except for the fact that he is getting weaker this time. His jaws seems stuck... he can't normally move it. He can't almost talk. His feet are swollen. He is sooo skinny and the hard part is that he can't almost eat. He can't even swallow his food according to his care taker. We were trying to cheer him up... but he seems too weak to response. Waaah... Liza and I are trully worried about him.
We were also lucky to meet the Director of St. Josept Home for the Aged, Inagawa sensei. She was very kind to entertain and tour us around the facility. We talked about some matters regarding Kuya Ernie.
I met sister Paula once... many years ago... and I am glad she still remember me somehow! We gathered together to a private reception room of the convent. We talked a lot and the more we talk to her... the more we like her! She might go back to Canada this coming June. Too bad... we just met her only now. Liza and I wish we could know her more deeply and vice versa.
Yahata sisters also introduced us to a Filipina sister named Sylvia. She was not around during our visit in the convent. We've heard... she's in Nishima. But I was surprised when I came home from Itoyokado tonight... I had a phone message. It was from Sister Sylvia! I phoned her back... and finally we met thru phones. I found out from her that she's been trying to contact me this past few days regarding kuya Ernie's request. Fortunately... we had a good mental telepathy... that even we were not able to communicate by phone... we had this strange compatible feeling! Sister Sylvia was praying and trying to contact me to visit kuya Ernie this Sunday and she was surprise that I did it with Liza. What a coincidence... her prayer was really granted!
Hopefully, we can able to meet her one of this days. I look forward to seeing her in person. She seems to be an interesting sister!
It is also an exciting day because we are celebrating Mother's Day. I was glad that Sachan never forgot to greet me even thru mails... including Emily and the rest of my co- moms friends. Thanks to all of you guys!
Here's Pink Panther... a mother day's gift from Ajie. He has my eyes di ba?! (^o^)v
As of now... we are planning to consult to other hospital for "second opinion". But still we are confuse if we are going to pursue it... what if the diagnosis is different from the other? Who are we going to believe now? Not to mention the medicines that Ted bothers most! What if they will priscribe him different and more medicine? Which is which?! That's a tough decision to make... I guess if possible... we must believe his current doctors! It's like this... for example, that even if our doctor is a lousy one or no good but we believe in him... we can be cured. We have a saying that those who believe can move mountains! It's faith!
Well... I am still keeping my finger cross that he get well soon... and may God bless him!
Hey Ted! We are missing your jolly character! Get well soon brod... we are waiting for you here! C'mon... stand-up and fight! p(^-^)q
Lastly... to all the wonderful mom in the world... HAPPY MOM's DAY! (^3^) mwhaaah!
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