Opppsss... the silver week was over.... back to normal life... back to wooork! Damn... i can't believe it... lol!
Well today... at long last, the Philippine NAKAMA Japanese Class session have started. We are scheduled to begin the class last week but unfortunately due to influenza epidemic... we decided to postponed it and as I said... we started the class today.
It's a 10 times session every Thursday from 10:00 am-12:00 nn in Aicel 21. I am the over-all-coordinator of the class with Liza so we need to be there on their first day to check everything.
The class was supposed to be limited in 8 students but we actually reached 9 and hopefully become 10 students next week. It's the first day of the class but Liza and I were disappointed that most of the students were late... as usual! Well... Philippine time or Shizuoka time is not good alibis... it's the principle and character that counts! lol!
I assigned Ajie to be the leader of the class... to be assisted by May.
We are also lucky to have a cute, kind and yes... young Japanese instructress named Takahashi sensei. Yoroshiku!
The beauties... 'mean the class
... with Liza and meee!
After the class... we all went to Nam's Thai restaurant for lunch. Sensei was not able to come with us due to her next date.
our lunch
back to woooooooooork... ? shiranaaaaai?!!!
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