Ohhh... glad I had this chance to update my blog despite of my crazy scheds lately... well... i need to share this one coz this is one of the exciting activities i had lately... the Philippine NAKAMA Christmas Party 2009.
As usual... the yearly party activity was held in Couple Kaikan last December 13th, Sunday. It was attended by about 200 members, friends and visitors... and I am grateful to my co-members and friends for the fantastic team work and effort we did to this event coz everyone said that we had a great party!
Cheers led by Kishibata san!
Inspirational talk from one of our Japanese adviser... Arakawa san
The reception
Grace all the way from Hongo Prefecture drove down to present her dance performances. She's always a terrific dancers! Kudos!
"Just Once" ... i love it uncle Jo!
Deriff was so nice to present his Nepal's traditional dance. It was an audience participation number and it rocks! heheh^^
The debut of Miho boys! They interpreted the song Chiquitita by Abba thru comedy dance. Well... they are really funny and the crowds enjoyed their performance!
Daidougei performer MOMOTCHI was truly amazing!
Our visitors... Thanks to Mochizuki san and Suzuki san group too
Gifts from members and friends for Bingo and parlor games... arigatou po!
Winners of "Find NAKAMA Letters" game
It was a lucky day for Ochiai san to won many bingo prizes!
The former Elfin's! heheh^^
Our Japanese advisers with friends
Yoshida sensei and Doi sensei...
my cute daughters-like... Rei and Trinity
Merry Christmas!
You did a great job... Precy!
Minasan... otsukaresama deshita!
Thanks to all who helped us around to make this event a success!
See you all next year!
More photos at Phil NAKAMA home page
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