The cherry blossoms are in full bloom and the weather condition is fine so... after Liza and I was over to our business in Aicel 21... we went to Sumpu Park for cherry blossoms viewing and enjoyed the festival!
In connection to the fest activities there is a booth for the campaign regarding the environmental cleanliness. Interested visitors are given a green plastic garbage bag and a tong for picking up trash... then after picking up some trash in the event... visitors return the garbage bag to the booth and in return for their cooperation... they're given an eco-bag.
Liza and I joined the campaign... but unfortunately... we're not able to pick up some trust because the place was clean and everyone were so behave to take their trust with them!
Meanwhile, after we've enjoyed our snacks under the cherry blossoms trees... we finally got our personal trust and we just put them inside our garbage bags and returned them to the campaign booth... and presto... we received our eco bags!
Our eco bags gained from our personal trash!
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