Welcome to my personal photo blog! This is the journey of my experiences, interest and discoveries in life... welcome aboard!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Miss my blog... :(
Yaaaay... my goodness... seems my blog is being neglegted already!!! lol
Soooo sorry for not updating my blog lately :(
I've got a lot of exciting and funny things to share...
Well, I also have some sad and disappointing moments although i decided to myself that i will only share the good things here... hehehhe :P
...nway, hope I can post them in the near future...
For the meantime... I hope everyone are always doing fine out there.
Miss you all... xx
Saturday, September 18, 2010
My dear friend Nanako chan's wedding
Monday, August 30, 2010
Summer in Disney Resort
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Philipine Travel 2010
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
It's meeee!!!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
ABE KAWA Fireworks Exhibition 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Cross-cultural experiences
nway... another international event that i attended was this Picture Story-Book Reading session held in Azarea today.
My ever kind-hearted Japanese friend-- Kawamura san of セブの少女たちに布地を送る会-- it's her volunteer group name... introduced me to her friends-- Koumura san and Hamada san who translated in Japanese and published the one of Filipino great picture story-book entitled "May mga Lihim Kami Ni Ingkong" or "Secrets of Lolo" and in Japanese... they actually changed the title to " Ojisan no Boshi' ... in English... it's "Grandpa's hat".
Well to cut the story short... the translated book is out now in the market this July and they're promoting this book lately... and since it's a Philippine book orig... they invited me for impromptu reading in Tagalog... while someone read it in Japanese. Wooow... i did recite it with my heart... and the feedback was that they loved the expressions in Tagalog^^ ... good that i was also trained as a radio talent on my college days... hahhaha :P
Truth was it's my first time to read that "Secret of Lolo"... wooow very impressive story... it touched my heart too and can't helped to fall my tears in the end coz i have same experience with the leading kid regarding my mom-in-law... it's actually a story of a close grandpa and his grandson... that one day becoz of old age... grandpa lost his memories and can't even recognized the kid... and the kid can't take it... coz they're very close. 'cant tell the whole story... you better buy a copy in the bookstore... hahhahh. I actually bought some copies to give away to all my "inaanak".
I also invited the Japanese publishers to Shizuoka International Fest on October to introduced the book to the public with Phil NAKAMA group.
After the session... i was surprised to see the Shizuoka YWCA group doing plea market at the event. Well... i was with their group long time ago but i am not active anymore due to my hectic world... heheh... but ohhh... it's nice to see them... it's nice to see old wonderful familiar faces.
That's it... my overall cross cultural experiences lately was fabulous... was also quite a good education for me... :)
Monday, July 19, 2010
Coast to coast
I am very thankful to my best friend... my hubs for keeping me company. 'was a wonderful vacation... was a good idea to escape from stress and worries in life^^
enjoy your summer everyone!!!
oh my goodness... negra na naman ako... hehehh!!!
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Tequila and Salt
Oh well... thanks to my sweet friend Ana and my dear online friends in Tagged for sharing this lovely thoughts...
This should probably be taped
To your bathroom mirror
Where you could read it every day.
You may not realize it,
But it's 100% true.
1. There are at least two people in this world
That you would die for.
2. At least 15 people in this world
Love you in some way.
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you
Is because they want to
Be just like you.
4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone,
Even if they don't
Like you.
5. Every night,
SOMEONE thinks about you
Before they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to someone.
7. You are special and unique.
8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
9. When you make the biggest mistake ever,
Something good comes from it.
10. When you think the world
Has turned its back on you
Take another look.
11. Always remember the compliments you received.
Forget about the rude remarks.
And always remember.....
When life hands you Lemons,
Ask for Tequila and Salt and call me over!
Good friends are like stars........
You don't always see them,
But you know they are always there.
"Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens
Another, Even Though
Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway"
I would rather have one rose and a kind word
From a friend while I'm here
Than a whole truck load when I'm gone.
Happiness keeps You Sweet,
Trials keep You Strong,
Sorrows keep You Human,
Failures keeps You Humble,
Success keeps You Glowing,
Love keeps you going!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Another year older
but really from my heart... i appreciate everyone's greetings and wishes... especially those long messages that really touched my heart... and i can't helped to shed some tears...heheh. thank you guys... that's really warm and it's nice to know some lovely people who really cares for you. i won't forget that.
... and yes not to forget... for all the gifts... wooow that's too much... this is what nice on having bdays... u rcvd many gifts... hahahh... thanks a lot guys... honestly i still never open them all... otanoshimini... hahahha... and to those who still want to send their gifts... yes... no worries folks... i am still open to receive them all hahhaha :P
i hope i did not miss anyone... if ever... remind me please... ^^;
Monday, June 21, 2010
Bonding with Sachan in Niigata City
It has been a year since i last visited her place and more than 2 years since i last stayed in her place. Ohhh i missed the place... but i missed my Sachan the most :P
Sachan picked me up last Wednesday afternoon at the station... then we dated in Bandai City... why so soon i thought... oh well, she's busy with her schooling and have no time to date me ... and she had the chance that afternoon :)
As a tradition... don't have any omiage for her except my omiage from Australia...:P
The following day... as what she said... she's busy at school... so i made it a chance to clean her room. Wooow... i believed she's really busy... i can see it in her room...hahahh :D So i did the cleaning for 2 consecutive days.
This time visit was a good chance to meet her boyfriend too... was cool meeting... he drove us to ishi yaki or sizzling ramen restaurant. was good... as well as the guy is nice and funny... no problem da yoooo... heheheh! :D was wondering what the other strict tita's will say? hmmm...
Saturday morning, papa arrived from Shizuoka City to attend the conference at Sachan's university... we had lunch together at the nearby chinese restaurant. We like that restaurant coz foods are strong in flavour and we love their homemade taste... but actually... we are quite disappointed this time... coz it's too oily :( heheh.
after lunch we visited Sachan's campus... then Sachan and I went to stayed with papa to Hotel Okura... same hotel... same room as usual... heheh. Everytime we stay there, they have been giving us same room and that's for 4 consecutive years... so we called that room... our room already... and that's hotel... our home:P heheh...
Saturday night... Sachan reserved our dinner at Vietnam Restaurant. I thought it's our dinner for hubs Father's day... but ohhh i was the one surprised... i was enjoying watching the FIFA World Cup thru my cellphone... was Netherlands vs Japan match game... when suddenly the restaurant lights turned off... and a birthday background music played while a pretty staff brought a cake with sparkling lite candles to our table... and i was wondering... was it's my birthday? hahahah... coz my bday is still 6 days ahead... oh well... everyone was saying "omedetou"... so i finally realize yeah... it's a surprise birthday celebration... hahahha... hehehh...was touching, was overwhelming... lol... but anyway... thanks to sachan and papa for the wonderful treat... was a wonderful memory to me.
Sad to say that after we ate the cake, Japan didn't make it ... was 1-0. they had chances but did not score. nway, still glad coz samurai blue did a good job again :) imagine... only 1-0... how's that :D
oh well... Sunday... after our last family date in Kameda... agaaain... hehhe... well, we have visited the different spot in the city so we decided to have a window shopping only... and as i said... after that... papa and i went back home to Shizuoka City together.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Aussie Adventure
I met a lot of beautiful people from my tour and of course... i would like to thank my dear friend Daisy who gave me a wonderful treat in Adelaide with her friends.
Likewise, i would like to congratulate her and my friend Manny coz they'll be getting married on December in the Philippines... wooow... omedetou to both of you and another exciting news i've heard was that i am one of their ninang to-be... yeheeey! Well... best wishes guys. You both deserve each other. All the best!
Well... back to my trip... when i was there... it was always raining especially in Sydney and Adelaide... but everytime i went out from the hotel... believe it or not... it became sunny or should i say fine weather... ummm... i didn't thought i'm HARE ONNA ... hehehh :)
Well... it was a blessings anyway... lucky me!
I can't think of any hassles on my trip except for the time scheds of my tour... sleeping hours were not enough... love to sleep pa naman when you are tired :P
Oh well... i took a lot of pics so please just take a look... i think my pics will help to tell you more about my escapades there.
All i can say is that i did enjoy every moment that i spent there. This is a new and unforgetable kind of trip for me :P
Sunday, May 09, 2010
All about my Golden Week
I used to travel with my family during GW... but i tell you... it's overflowing with people everywhere and the traffic is too crowded. Not to memtion that it's costly to travel during GW. Sooo... lately we used to spend it just relaxing at home and exploring some new spot around our place.
This GW... i enjoyed it with my hubs dining around the city and with friends doing and attending some activities.
We were not able to finished the Fiesta event... coz we need to represent the Phil NAKAMA for the invitation of Mochizuki san's group, the Int'l Stationary Exchange Group at World Zoo Art Exhibit in Link Nishina. Two years ago, Phil NAKAMA supported their art exhibit in Philippines and this year, the exhibit was held in Thailand.
The next day, May 3rd... my hubs and i have a relaxation date in SURUGA KENKO LANDO in Okitsu. It was very crowded but we still enjoyed our spa and our lunch there.
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Chikyuu no Koe
Masui san is related to multicultural information and assistance activities and she's being supported by her co-voluntary group.
Every kids even their parents can have a chance to play with different kind of games from different countries too. Sometimes there are some native foreigners who will be present there to introduce their native games.
Oh yesss... there is also a corner there like a little library where kids can enjoy reading.
Well... i was not there on the opening... but i was able to visit the place today.
I am surprised coz the candy store is busy with customers today. Glad to see Kamiyama san around... one of the volunteer staff and a friend too... and I am glad I was able to help around introducing the Philippine sweets and intertaining some kids ... hehehh.
Opppsss... just a reminder... when I was there a TV staff and reporter Suzuki san from SBS were coveraging the candy store and they will aired that on May 5, Children's Day at 6:00 SBS News... so if u all got the chance to view it... please do so... hmmm... i was being interviewed too... but i am not happy coz i'm too haggard and not a telegenic... hahahhah! OMG...lol
If you have a chance to visit the place... it's located in 7-20 Miyamoto cho, Suruga District. Open from 14:30-18:00, Monday, Thursday and Saturday only. Closed during holidays.