Yippie... at long last... got this chance to update my blog... and here i am ... natataranta kung saan ko ba uumpisahan ang lahat. hmmm... it's been about 2 months yata ako nabakante... gosh...oh, ok i better start to this year's spring...
This year spring was actually odd... sometimes warm, sometimes cold like winter... yup in the mid of April... there were those days snowing in northern parts of Japan... hehehhe... strange :)Well spring... i'll start with Sachan's spring break... as usual during her spring break, she came back home from her university life in Niigata City. Everytime she came home... it is a tradition for her to celebrate this Hina Matsuri ... it's doll's festival for the celebration of Girl's Day every 3rd of March where every Japanese home with daughters in the family displayed hina dolls and wish the happiness and prosperity of the girl.
After the day of the festival is over, Japanese usually put away the doll display coz there is a superstition that says if the displayed dolls will not put away soon, there will have trouble marrying off their daughters.
Hmmm actually the festival is every March 3 and like this year... Sachan arrived home one week delayed but we still never put the displayed away coz Sachan still never celebrate the day. Anyway... we have a saying that superstition is only the fear of belief... right? :)
Have you heard about Oushou Chinese Restaurant here in Japan? Well this restaurant is popular around Japan especially somewhere in Tokyo and gyoza or Chinese dumplings is very popular to this restaurant. We thought there's no chain restaurant here in Shizuoka... alas... there's one in Yaizu City... and at long last we were able to visit the place and had chance to eat their popular dishes like ramen and chahan too... as to be expected it was good... no wonder the place is always crowded.
Well, since Sachan was around... our family decided to go to onsen or hot spring last March 14. We went to BIJIN YU... it's only here in the heart of Aoi District... bit near our place but it's our first time to visit this onsen. They said that this onsen is good for the skin... hehheh sounds convincing. It's a typical onsen... not bad... and the food is good too. Funny, we used to visit some onsen far away from home... truth is... there are many good onsen around Shizuoka City.
After the terrific onsen with my family, I enjoyed the Latin Jazz Live by Taro san with the Hip Hop Band and Uncle Jo held in Malcome Hall in Shimizu District. All the performers were great and yes... uncle JO... you are impressive... i like your pop songs... like "In Your Eyes" and "Just Once" ... very nostalgic. Thanks to Hip hop band and uncle Jo's chocolates!
After the event... wheee... at long last, got the chance to visit my friend Lei's KS Mart Pub nearby. We were starving expecting for a Pinoy dinner... but noooo as i said it's a Philippine Pub not restaurant, so all we had was yakisoba... but it was yummy!

Another unforgettable activities for me this spring was the meeting with the beautiful peepz from KINSEIRYU TAISHOGOTO BUNKAGOTO group held in Nihon Daira Hotel last March 19th. Yeeesss, i drove up in a zigzag road of Nihon Daira with Liza, Marites and Maika chan. Was fun as we enjoyed the natures of spring... so lovely! From above the hill of Nihon Daira Hotel was a wonderful overlooking view of Shimizu District... with the blue skies and blue sea... and the green natures... so peaceful ... truly awesome!
Oh well... the meeting is about the invitation to Philippine NAKAMA group to perform some cultural dances for their anniversary event on April 18th at the same hotel. They showed us the venue and wooow... the stage is gorgeous... as in heeey we are back on real stage... lol!

Back to my family... after having lunch at sushi bar last March 20, we went for a walk in Hirono Beach Park in Suruga District. Yup... this park is also a bit near to our house but since this park was build in way back 10 years ago... would u believe that it's our first time to visit the park. We sometimes passed to this park but good at long last we got the chance to explore the place :P
This park includes a lot of playground stuffs and it has also a path that connected to Mochimune Fishing Port. 

After our family bonding... with Sachan ... we had some bonding with some friends--- tita Amie, Sarah, Unno san and Kate in Ryo's part time work place-- a dart bar... the Boozer or was it Buzzer? Dochi dakke?! heheh... Of course, Ryo was there... and it's been a while meeting for Ryo and Sachan... oh well they are friends since they were kids and Ryo is like my son too coz he's tita Amie's loving son... her sons are my sons too... hehehhe! After this, Sarah invited us to karaoke where she released her stressess... nyahahah!
Late March... the sakura trees or cherry blossoms trees started to bloom... what a perfect time for HANAMI-- cherry blossom viewing!
Below was meee enjoying the scene of full bloom sakura trees in Sumpu Park... 
below were sakura view in Tokiwa Park
Every year when sakura are in full bloom... my group, Philippine NAKAMA held our HANAMI picnic in Sumpu Park, Hanami Ground. This year... we held the picnic last March 28th. Was a great gathering... attended by lots of friends. Ajie's bday was also held.
It was nice of Marissa to bring and serve some salabat... the Philippine typical hot tea made of ginger... was good for the climate coz it's partly cold... not to mention that later in the afternoon... the picnic was devastated by rain... hahahha... but the picnic went on! Imagine we were having Hanami under the tent... hahahhaha!
The next day, 29th of March... in the mid of spring... ice falls as hailstones in Shizuoka City! pheeew... weird! What's happening to our mother natures? lol...
April 2... Sachan went back home again from Niigata City. Shizuoka Festival's 3 days event started that day up to 3rd... and we've heard that her former classmates from Futaba School is one of Miss. Shizuoka that will be featured in the parade... and was sched to appear on stage that YOZAKURARANBO night stage show in Sumpu Park... so we tried to catch her up... unfortunately... we came late already... so missed her classmates appearance.
Next day, April 3rd... was the 1-day Bus Tour event of Philippine NAKAMA in Universal Studio Japan in Osaka. I was not able to sleep for 24 hours... that's what i hate in bus tours! Ummm Sachan did not join us too coz she hates long bus trip... I agree... :P
The event was participated by about 25 members and families... it was a very long trip and very tiring but was a FUNtastic and memorable tour for us :)
I was really tired and wanted to sleep a lot the next day but Sachan woke me up early to accompanied her to Shimin Bunka Hall... coz she had this invitation by her former Brass Band group of Futaba School to watch their performance. Yearly since she graduated from high school, she was being invited by the group... and this year.. she doesn't wanna miss it this time but her other co-graduate mates were all out of town... no company... and who else she can asked for... of course... it's meeee... so even i'm still sleepy... i went with her to watch the performance and geeee... i did not regret it... me and Sachan were surprised and amused to their performances... they're great... ohhh... they're really super compared to Sachan's generations... ummm they have a great instructor this time... sorry no offence to Sachan's former instructress but the instructor this time is really awesome!
Sachan got the chance to meet her instructress and some of her graduating junior mates... and after some greetings and picture takings... we went to Sumpu Park to meet some other friends.
It's still Shizuoka Festival... so after the concert... on the way to Sumpu Park... we happened to see the parade of the event and Sachan saw her former classmates... one of Miss Shizuoka and greeted each other... "hi and otsukaresamadeshita" :)
We met Belinda and Uncle Jo in Sumpu Park's Hanami ground having Hanami with some friends... and it was surprising to see same faces who were also in USJ trip... aside from Dang... Sarah and Yuta were there... of course Yoko and Yoshi, Olive and Mona... hehhehe. Walang kapaguran!
Dang and I invited our relatives... Abby and Miko to watch the Shizuoka Festival Yozakura ranbo and we were happy to see that they came with the whole family all the way from Kakegawa.. It's nice to see again Miko's mama and of course it's nice to meet his papa, Jen and Jenny and kid Michael. We also invited them for dinner in Jollibee Tropical Restaurant.
Oh it's nice to have some bondings with relatives from time to time! Hope to be with them again in the near future or maybe Dang, Jo and hopefully with Sachan should visit them in Kakegawa in exchange :P

March 12... was raining hard but the gathering at Alisa's new home in Shimizu was not postponed hahahah! She gathered all her friends for a house blessing-like party. The house is subarashiiiii... ummm lucky you Alisa :)
It's nice to see some of my girl friends there... almost all NAKAMA huh! heheh... oh love u all girls and heeey what's happening to you Ajie... as in Lucita... hmmm she's currently addicted to her iphone's FB... ummm love is weird lol!
Ohhh... there are more memorable happenings on this spring... was quite hectic spring vacation... but it was great... more pictures are in my FB profile... :)
By the way... below pics is papa's 1 year old sakura tree. hmmm... i don't know what type of sakura is this... heard from pappie that it's magnolia... magnolia??? lol
Hope you are all enjoying the rest days of your spring season!
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